How to Measure
- Step 1: Place the measuring tape around your upper chest
- Step 2: Ensure the tape is flat, but not too tight
- Step 1: Step on a piece of paper with your heel slightly touching a wall behind.
- Step 2: Mark the end of your longest toe on the paper and measure from the wall to the marking.
- Step 3: Do the same for the other foot and compare measurements with our size chart to get the right size.
Unsure on Size or Colour?
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{( productTitle )} {( fetched_product.color_name ? fetched_product.color_name : fetched_product.color )} {( formatMoney(salePrice && salePrice.float > originalPrice.float ? salePrice.float : originalPrice.float) )} {( formatMoney(salePrice.float > originalPrice.float ? originalPrice.float : salePrice.float) )} {( formatMoney(salePrice && salePrice.float > originalPrice.float ? salePrice.float : originalPrice.float) )} Get \${( originalPrice.float - salePrice.float )} USD off when you add to cart {( isAddingToCart ? 'Adding to Cart' : loadingQuickAdd ? 'Loading' : 'Quick Add' )}
{( productTitle )}
{( fetched_product.color_name ? fetched_product.color_name : fetched_product.color )}
{( formatMoney(salePrice && salePrice.float > originalPrice.float ? salePrice.float : originalPrice.float) )} {( formatMoney(salePrice.float > originalPrice.float ? originalPrice.float : salePrice.float) )} {( formatMoney(salePrice && salePrice.float > originalPrice.float ? salePrice.float : originalPrice.float) )} Get \${( originalPrice.float - salePrice.float )} USD Off when you add to cart - Sold Out Final Sale
{( variant.sizeNumber )} {( variant.sizeNumber )} {( selectedVariantSize.variantAdditionalNotes )}
` }
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