Every Breach Voice Line in Valorant (2024)

[Breach]https://www.thespike.gg/valorant/agents/breach/best-breach-valorant-maps-unleash-tactical-mayhem) is our go-to Swede and is one of the best Initiators in the game currently, especially on maps such as Bind. As well being released in the Beta of VALORANT, he’s been around for a while, meaning we’ve been able to love his voice lines for so much longer than some other agents in the game.

The voice actor for Breach does an amazing job bringing the character to life, but who is that? Well we have that answer as well as every Breach voice line in VALORANT for you.

Who is the voice actor for Breach in VALORANT?

The voice actor for Breach is an awesome voice actor called David Menkin who is actually Norweigan, despite Breach being Swedish. This has proven no issue as our Scandinavian Initiator is amazingly portrayed by the Norweigan voice actor.

David Menkin is one of the more experienced voice actors in the VALORANT roster, voicing characters for over 20 years, and in some of the biggest games and films around!

These include the Angry Birds Movie, Zero Dark Thirty, The Man from U.N.C.L.E for movie roles, and World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth and Luke Skywalker in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga!

How to download Breach’s voice lines in VALORANT?

If you want to download Breach’s voice lines, we have a link for you here!

Breach’s Match Voice lines

Every Breach Voice Line in Valorant (2)

Breach Voice Lines VALORANT

  • Character select "Stand in my way, I dare you."
  • Match start "These cowards aren't ready for me. No one ever is."
  • Match start "Guns in my face? Just another tuesday."
  • Match start "Nothing fancy, yeah? We go in, we crush them, we get out."
  • Match start "The faster we do this, the faster I get paid."
  • Match start "We treat this like any other job, no more, no less."
  • Match start "They're not intimidating, they're stupid. Big difference."
  • Match start "Been pulling jobs like this for years, risky? Sure. But never boring."
  • Match start "I don't need these arms to fight, but they're fun. Might as well use 'em."
  • Match start on Split "Look at this place! Kingdom has more money than they know what to do with. I wonder where they keep it."
  • Match win "Jobs' done. Pay up."
  • Match win "Hell yeah! Who's up for another?"
  • Match win "Time to go home, scrape this bugs off my boots."
  • Match win "The fight is over? I just warmed up."
  • Match win, as MVP "I always do the heavy lifting!"
  • Match win, as MVP "Maybe now you'll take me seriously."
  • Match win, as MVP "My rate just went up!"
  • Match win, as MVP "Always got to overprove myself."
  • Match win on Icebox "Oooh! I've missed the cold. This was great!"

Breach's Interactions Voice Lines

  • Kill enemy Breach "Nice try."
  • Last kill enemy Breach "You're just a pretender."
  • Match start with enemy Breach "A second Breach? Huh? This might be a fair fight after all."
  • Barrier going down with allied Brimstone "I hope you're ready, old man."
  • Barrier going down with enemy Brimstone "That Brimstone can't stop me."
  • Chat: Breach talking to Brimstone "Brimstone! The corporate sellout! Here to look out for Kingdom's special interest?"
  • Commend to allied Brimstone "Leave the fight for the rest of us, old man."
  • Kill enemy Brimstone "Retired."
  • Last kill enemy Brimstone "See? You're not too stubborn to die. You're just stubborn enough."
  • Match start with allied Brimstone "It could be worse, Brimstone! Instead of working together, we could be facing off! Or maybe you'd prefer that."
  • Match start with enemy Brimstone Laughs "When that Brimstone sees me here, he's gonna be so pissed."
  • Round start with enemy Brimstone "That Brimstone better stay out of my way."
  • Barrier going down with allied Cypher "Where are they Cypher?"
  • Kill enemy Cypher "Killed the rat."
  • Last kill enemy Cypher "Didn't see me coming."
  • Match start with allied Cypher "Don't aim that camera at me, Cypher. Save it for the enemy."
  • Round start with allied Cypher "Cypher, stop bugging my gear with microphones, you're worse than interpole!"
  • Commend to allied Jett "Damn, Jett. Have you ever considered a life of crime? I have contacts, let me know."
  • Barrier down with enemy Killjoy "I'll make that Killjoy cry."
  • Kill enemy Killjoy "Nerd."
  • Match start with allied Killjoy "Killjoy, your inventions are too fragile! See these arms? Carbon steel with titanium plating! That's what you need."
  • Round start with enemy Killjoy "So, the german has some fancy toys. Let's break them!"
  • Commend to allied Omen "Omen! That scared the sh*t out of me!"
  • Kill enemy Omen "Freak."
  • Match start with allied Omen "Okay, Omen. I'll smash in the front door while you sneak in the back. It's a good plan, ya?"
  • Round start with enemy Omen "I'm gonna run my fist through that Omen's face. Can you even punch a ghost? Who cares? I'm doing it."
  • Barrier going down with allied Phoenix "Phoenix, burn them down."
  • Commend to allied Phoenix "Phoenix keeps bringing the fire. It's like a viking funeral." Laughs
  • Match start with enemy Phoenix "Let that Phoenix run his mouth, we'll shut him up soon enough."
  • Round start with allied Phoenix "You got fire in your eyes, Phoenix. I like that."
  • Barrier going down with allied Raze "It's you and me, Raze."
  • Chat: Breach replying to Raze "Oh man, just awful. A tragedy."
  • Commend to allied Raze "Mandou bem, Raze! How's that for pronunciation, huh?" Laughs
  • ("Mandou bem" means "Nice job".)
  • Match start with allied Raze "Raze! Together again and we're not even breaking the law!"
  • Round start with allied Raze "Raze, don't wreck this place all on your own. Laughs Save some demo for me."
  • Commend to allied Reyna "Reyna! I think I'm in love!" Laughs
  • Barrier down with enemy Sage "I'll destroy their Sage."
  • Kill enemy Sage "The angel's dead."
  • Match start with enemy Sage "The enemy Sage thinks she will slow us down. Laughs That's cute."
  • Round start with enemy Sage "That monk things she's an angel. Let's clip her wings."
  • Round start with enemy Sage "Their Sage is a coward hiding behind walls. Grow a spine already."
  • Chat: Breach replying to Skye "So long as it's leg day!" Laughs
  • Barrier going down with enemy Sova "That Sova's mine."
  • Kill enemy Sova "Sova's dead."
  • Match start with enemy Sova "That pretty boy Sova sure looks the hero, I'll give him that. I'll still kill him."
  • Round start with allied Sova "Just tell me where they are, Sova. I'll take it from there."
  • Commend to allied Viper "Viper, you're enjoying this a little too much."
  • Last kill enemy Viper "It was never personal, Viper. Just business."
  • Match start with allied Viper "You never stop fighting, Viper. No matter what."

Breach's Kill Voice Lines

Every Breach Voice Line in Valorant (3)

Breach Abilities VALORANT

  • Triple kill "Three out!"
  • Quadra kill "Make it four."
  • Ace "What the hell were the rest of you doing?"
  • Ace "I'll run through you every damn time."
  • Ace "I'm firing on all cylinders."
  • Ace "I'm in overdrive."
  • Ace "Anyone else want to try me?"
  • Ace "You're pathetic."
  • Kill "Too late."
  • Kill "Worthless."
  • Kill "Pitiful."
  • Kill "Got you."
  • Kill "Weak."
  • Kill "Dusted."
  • Kill "Dead."
  • Kill "Amateur."
  • Kill "Hej då."
  • ("hej då" means "goodbye".)
  • Kill "Too late."
  • Kill "Dead."
  • Last kill "Not one left."
  • Last kill "Ah!"
  • Last kill "We bring enough body bags?"
  • Last kill "Quit your tip-toeing, they're all dead."
  • Last kill "Kill everyone and our job gets a whole lot easier."
  • Last kill enemy MVP "No one beats me, no one."
  • Last kill enemy MVP "In a fair fight I'd still kill you."
  • Headshot kill "No match."
  • Headshot kill "Easy."
  • Headshot kill Laughs
  • Headshot kill "Ah!"
  • Headshot kill "Popped."
  • Headshot kill "Headshot."
  • Headshot kill "You're nothing."
  • Melee kill "Night-night."
  • Melee kill "Gutted."
  • Melee last kill "Never been in a knife fight, have you?"
  • Melee last kill "I fight dirty."

Breach's Barrier Down Voice Lines

  • Barrier going down "Mow 'em down!"
  • Barrier going down "Enough."
  • Barrier going down "They want to fight? Let's fight."
  • Barrier going down "I don't have all day."
  • Barrier going down "Break through!"
  • Barrier going down "Stomp 'em!"
  • Barrier going down "Attack us, come on!"
  • Barrier going down "Hit them back."
  • Barrier going down "I take what I want."
  • Barrier going down "Punch in."
  • Barrier going down "Crush them."
  • Barrier going down "Keep up the pressure."
  • Barrier going down "Don't let up."
  • Barrier going down "I'm ready."
  • Barrier going down "Keep up."
  • Barrier going down "Hit them fast, hit them hard."
  • Barrier going down "Behind me."
  • Barrier going down "Let's have some fun."
  • Barrier going down "Take 'em."

Breach's Round Start Voice Lines

  • Round start "Time to take these arms for a spin."
  • Round start "They're not getting the message. Leave it to me, I'll rough them up."
  • Round start "They think they're so secure."
  • Round start "If you're not being shot at, you're doing something wrong."
  • Round start "I'll do my job, you do yours."
  • Round start "Trust me, they'll know what hit 'em."
  • Round start "Are we doing this or what?"
  • Round start "Come on, get me in the line of fire."
  • Round start "They think they're better than us, I can tell."
  • Round start "Just swapping-in new fusions cells. Okay! My arms are good, we can go."
  • Round start "I hate waiting, let's do this."
  • Round start, won last round "Keep them off-balance."
  • Round start, won last round "Oh yeah, there's the adrenaline."
  • Round start, won last round "I've been itching for a fight."
  • Round start, won last round "You see an insect, you crush it."
  • Round start, won last round "You flinch, you lose."
  • Round start, won last round "Push 'em 'til they break."
  • Round start, doing great "They don't get to surrender, keep swinging."
  • Round start, doing great "They can run or get ran over, their choice."
  • Round start, doing great "This isn't a fight, it's stealing lunch money."
  • Round start, coming back to score "I'm done playing."
  • Round start, coming back to score "Their crew got sloppy, punish them."
  • Round start, coming back to score "The fools gave us a window, smash through it."
  • Round start, last round, as Attacker "Spend what you got."
  • Round start, last round, as Defender "No point saving, spend it all."
  • Round start, match point "Let's finish this already."
  • Round start, match point "We got 'em beat. Knock 'em out."
  • Round start, match point "Let's put them in the ground."

Breach's Round End Voice Lines

  • Clutch "Taunt me again."
  • Clutch "Stay out of my way."
  • Clutch "I'll go through anyone!"
  • Clutch "My rate just went up."
  • Clutch "Is that the best you've got?"
  • Clutch "Always got to overprove myself."
  • Flawless round "We ran right over them."
  • Flawless round "Hell yeah! Next drink's on me."
  • Flawless round "I could have let my arms at home."
  • Flawless round "Childs play."
  • Thrifty round "I'm here to make money, not spend it."
  • Thrifty round "I don't have to pack heavy, these arms are heavy enough."

Breach's Abilities Voice Lines

  • Aftershock cast (C ability) "Clearing out!"
  • Aftershock cast (C ability) "Blasting!"
  • Flashpoint cast (Q ability) "Flash out!"
  • Flashpoint cast (Q ability) "Blinding!"
  • Fault line cast (E ability) "Tremor!"
  • Fault line cast (E ability) "Concussing!"
  • Rolling thunder cast (Ultimate, allied) "LET'S GOOO!"
  • Rolling thunder cast (Ultimate, enemy) "OFF YOUR FEET!"
  • Can't use ability "Can't use that."
  • No charges on ability "Out of charges."
  • Ability is not ready "That's not ready."
  • Ultimate is not ready "My ult's not ready."
  • Ultimate almost ready "My ult's almost ready."
  • Ultimate is ready "My ult's ready."

Breach's Spike Voice Lines

  • Defused spike "Not your day, is it?"
  • Defused spike "Change of plans."
  • Defusing spike, out of time "Come on, come on."
  • Defusing spike, out of time "Shut up and let me work."
  • Defusing spike, out of time "Come on, come on."
  • Resumption of defuse "Get off my back."
  • Spike still in spawn "Where the hell is the spike?"
  • Spike still in spawn "Too eager, forgot the spike."
  • Spike carrier down "Our carrier is dead."
  • Spike dropped "Spike dropped."
  • Spike planted "Spike planted."
  • Spike retrieved "Got the spike."
  • Spike spotted "I see the spike."

Breach's Pain Voice Lines

  • Resurrect Laughs "Of course you still need me."
  • Relief Sigh
  • Round end, low hp "Ugh, I've taken worse."
  • Round end, low hp "Takes more than that."
  • Annoyed pain Grunt
  • Light damage pain Grunt
  • Medium damage pain Grunt
  • Heavy damage pain Grunt
  • Fall damage pain Grunt
  • Death Grunt

Breach's Deathmatch Voice Lines

  • Deathmatch, one kill remaining "Game time!"
  • Deathmatch, second place "Hell yeah, let's go again."
  • Deathmatch, second place "Good take. Next one I'll take it all."
  • Deathmatch, second place "I got robbed."

Breach's Emote Voice Lines

Every Breach Voice Line in Valorant (4)

Breach Abilities VALORANT

  • Emote: Be Quiet "Quiet."
  • Emote: Buying "Buying."
  • Emote: A "A."
  • Emote: B "B."
  • Emote: C "C."
  • Emote: Mid "Mid."
  • Emote: Clear area "Clear this area."
  • Emote: Commend teammate "Hell of a job."
  • Emote: Hello "Hej."
  • ("Hej" means "hello".)
  • Emote: Help "Need backup."
  • Emote: Hold "Hold."
  • Emote: Need disrupt "Disrupt here."
  • Emote: Need scouting "Scout here."
  • Emote: Need vision block "Block vision here."
  • Emote: No "No."
  • Emote: Ping danger "Careful there."
  • Emote: Ping "Right there."
  • Emote: Ping weapon "Gun here."
  • Emote: Ping spike "Spike's here."
  • Emote: Ping on my mark "On my mark."
  • Emote: Ping watching "Guarding here."
  • Emote: Push "Push."
  • Emote: Regroup "Regroup."
  • Emote: Sorry "Sorry."
  • Emote: Thanks "Tack-tack."
  • ("Tack" means "Thanks".)
  • Emote: Yes "Yeah."
  • Emote: Enemies spotted "Multiple enemies spotted."
  • Emote: Enemy spotted "Enemy spotted."
  • Emote: Fallback "Fallback."
  • Emote: Going A "Going A."
  • Emote: Going B "Going B."
  • Emote: Going C "Going C."
  • Emote: Going Mid "Heading Mid."
  • Emote: Can drop "I'm feeling generous. Who needs a buy?"
  • Emote: Let's rotate "Let's rotate."
  • Emote: Need drop "I need a drop."
  • Emote: Need healing "Need healing."
  • Emote: On my way "On my way."
  • Emote: Play for picks "Play for picks."
  • Emote: Reloading "Reloading."
  • Emote: Rotating "Rotating."
  • Emote: Rush them "Rush them."
  • Emote: Saving "Saving."
  • Emote: Take point "Taking point."
  • Emote: Affirmation "Got it."
  • Emote: Defuse spike "Defuse the spike."
  • Emote: Enemies spotted A "I got enemies A."
  • Emote: Enemies spotted Attacker spawn "Enemies in Attacker spawn."
  • Emote: Enemies spotted B "I got enemies B."
  • Emote: Enemies spotted C "I got enemies C."
  • Emote: Enemies spotted Defender spawn "Enemies in Defender spawn."
  • Emote: Enemies spotted Mid "I got enemies Mid."
  • Emote: Enemies close "Enemies nearby."
  • Emote: Enemy spotted A "Enemy spotted A."
  • Emote: Enemy spotted Attacker spawn "Enemy in Attacker spawn."
  • Emote: Enemy spotted B "Enemy spotted B."
  • Emote: Enemy spotted C "Enemy spotted C."
  • Emote: Enemy spotted Defender spawn "Enemy in Defender spawn."
  • Emote: Enemy spotted Mid "Enemy spotted Mid."
  • Emote: Enemy utility spotted "Enemy utility here."
  • Emote: Go here "Let's go here."
  • Emote: Plant spike "Plant the spike."
  • Emote: Spike spotted A "Spike is A."
  • Emote: Spike spotted Attacker spawn "Spike in Attacker spawn."
  • Emote: Spike spotted B "Spike is B."
  • Emote: Spike spotted C "Spike is C."
  • Emote: Spike spotted Defender spawn "Spike in Defender spawn."
  • Emote: Spike spotted Mid "Spike is Mid."

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Every Breach Voice Line in Valorant (2024)


Every Breach Voice Line in Valorant? ›

Meet the Breach voice actor

Norwegian voice actor David Menkin voices the Swedish ginger-bearded Breach.

What does breach say in Valorant? ›

Match start"Guns in my face? Just another tuesday." SHARE
Match start"Nothing fancy, yeah? We go in, we crush them, we get out." SHARE
Match start"The faster we do this, the faster I get paid." SHARE
Match start"We treat this like any other job, no more, no less." SHARE
46 more rows

Who voices Breach in Valorant? ›

Meet the Breach voice actor

Norwegian voice actor David Menkin voices the Swedish ginger-bearded Breach.

What ethnicity is breach Valorant? ›

Breach is the thirteenth Agent to join the VALORANT Protocol and he is a tech user from Sweden. The Swedish man uses his Radianite-powered prosthetics to get the job done. Breach, the bionic Swede, fires powerful, targeted kinetic blasts to aggressively clear a path through enemy ground.

Is Breach a ginger? ›

Breach is a tall man with long brown hair tied in a ponytail, while sporting a beard and a mustache.

Does Cypher hate Sova? ›

Cypher often exhibits an oddly 'father-like' attitude towards her, such as wanting to protect her youthful innocence from the world. While Cypher doesn't seem to have any particular issues with Sova, Sova harbors a heavy distaste for the information broker.

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List of Agents
20 more rows

Who is the toxic agent in Valorant? ›

Jett players are commonly seen as the worst in terms of toxicity. Players have mixed experiences with agents like Reyna and Cypher.

What is Jett's real name? ›

This would later line up with the reveal of Omega Earth. In a removed voiceline, Raze referred to Jett as 'Joon-Hee'. This has been retconned, with her real name being Han Sunwoo (Sunwoo Han, when Anglicized) according to her dossier.

What is fade's real name? ›

Fade. Hazal Eyletmez, a Radiant from Turkey, looks for a person who is important to her after he was "taken from her." Using her ability to see nightmares and figure out what they meant, she thought at first that he had been taken by a secret group called the VALORANT Protocol.

What is Viper's real name? ›

Lee Arthur Carter (born October 7, 1971), known professionally by his stage name Viper, is an American rapper, record producer, and actor. He is regarded as one of the originators of cloud rap. Viper began releasing music in 2003, originally under the name Lee Dogg.

What does Jett say? ›

"Keep up." "Let's go." "Let's go!" "Let's fly."

Is there a Korean VALORANT agent? ›

Jett is a VALORANT agent who specializes in mobility and assassinations. Like a true ninja, this South Korean agent can dash short distances to catch-up enemies or escape dangerous situation, and even propel herself upwards to reach highground places and surprise lurking targets who think they're safe up there.

What is Harbors Ult voice line? ›

it's obviously not a big deal but i've always thought it was funny, like he's asking permission. The thing I find hilarious is the team ult line, "Lets turn the tide!" Perfect play on words for a wave agent.

What does Freddy say in security Breach? ›

Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach
https://freddy-fazbears-pizza.fandom.com/wiki/File:GlamFreddy_IMustWarnyou.ogg"I must warn you: when you enter an area where you do not have a locator map signal, I will be unable to reach your location. You can update your mini-map at a security office. Be safe."
132 more rows

What is breaching code? ›

A contravention to the Code of Conduct or a breach of the code has occurred when a public official fails to adhere to the standards outlined in the Code of Conduct.

What is the name of Breach's ult? ›

If that's not enough, Breach's ultimate, Rolling Thunder, is an ability that passes through all terrain in a cone, knocking up and dazing players.


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